Monday, February 05, 2007

6 weird things about me.....

I was tagged, so here goes with 6 wierd things about me....

1) I can not stand to sleep with socks on - does not matter how cold my feet are, socks have to come off!

2) I have to finish every book that I read. To date, I think that I've only ever not finished one book, and it is still sitting their taunting me to pick it up and finish it

3) I can tell by looking at the cover of a book 95% of the time if I've read the book and also what it was about.

4) I often dislike mixing foods, and will eat all of one thing on my plate before moving onto the next thing on my plate.

5) I have an elephant memory about parents will call me to ask if I know where something is (although not so much now that I am away for such long periods) and I don't forget Mary Anne Wilder still owes me $5 from 11th grade, and Mike Gage stil owes me $20 from my senior year in college....granted I'll never collect on either, but I still remember! =)

6)I can not role my way, not possible, not even a slight upwards bend happening


Pink said...

I don't like mixing my foods either...and I usually work round the plate!

Jenny Moore said...

I feel ya on 1 through 3! Hubby eats like you and I'm eating more and more like that just from watching him. I used to make fun of him for it. :)

Mimi said...

My 21 yr-old son is so much the same with you regarding books and reading. One thing weird about me, I never finished reading a novel :p